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Lecture & Paper

Aerogels as an innovative insulating material

Aerogels are highly porous solids produced in a so-called sol-gel process with subsequent drying under extreme conditions. This process produces materials that have a porosity of more than 95 percent. This gives aerogels the following characteristics:

  • a very low density due to the extremely high air content

  • good sound absorbing properties

  • a very low thermal conductivity

Due to these outstanding properties, aerogels offer potential applications in various industries, including the aerospace sector. Furthermore, they represent a promising solution for specialized requirements in the field of insulation materials.

In addition, the acoustic properties of aerogels can be adapted to the respective framework conditions of the application area, e.g. with regard to sound absorption in different frequency ranges. The material properties can be specifically varied by different starting materials or adjustments in the manufacturing process.

The data presented here were collected as part of a joint research project with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the University of Cologne.

Lecture video


Aerogels as innovative insulation materials - a range of acoustic properties

Christiane Gillner (Novicos) will show you how the examination of material samples allows insights into the possible range of acoustic and physical properties.

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Aerogels as innovative insulation materials - a range of acoustic properties

Christiane Gillner (Novicos) will show you how the examination of material samples allows insights into the possible range of acoustic and physical properties.

Download paper

For more information on aerogels and their potential applications, see the following research paper.

  • Paper: Aerogels as innovative insulation materials
    559.06 KB

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