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Technical service provider and
supplier for simulation and testing


Novicos takes over your research and development tasks

Novicos originates from a scientific environment and maintains a close cooperation with the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) as well as numerous other scientific institutes and societies. As an innovative SME, we have always been involved in various research projects. But also beyond that, we are in a permanent and lively exchange about the latest research results and findings. 

Our drive is to fully penetrate acoustics. With all its influences, no matter how hidden and remote they may be found in physics, no matter how complex. We continue until we have found a workable answer to every acoustic phenomenon.


Novicos at the IGA 2024

Meet Novicos at the Isogeometric Analysisis in St. Augustine (USA) and discuss with us about the calculation of complex exterior space problems.


Paper: Vehicle loudspeaker simulation: structure-borne sound paths with blocked forces

Get to know our models for early acoustic simulation in vehicle development.


Paper: Numerical investigation of a new cabin wall concept

In a BMWK-funded project, Novicos is working on the development of cabin walls with special acoustic damping properties in the low-frequency range.



In the viaMeta project, Novicos is conducting research together with other partners in the field of vibroacoustic metamaterials.

Modal analysis

EMAUG - Conference 2023

Join us for the annual meeting of the European Modal Analysis Users Group!


Aerogels as an innovative insulating material

From our research projects: Watch the presentation "Aerogels as innovative insulation materials - a range of acoustic properties" by Christiane Gillner.


Numerical wear prediction and optimization of pile hammers

Novicos simulated the wear of pile hammers in the context of the SIELENT HAMMER research project. Read the final report here.


Advanced computational aeroacoustics based on hydrodynamic/acoustic splitting

The work deepens the understanding of hydrodynamic/acoustic separation (HAS) approaches in hybrid computational aeroacoustics (CAA) at low Mach numbers.


Structure-borne noise in pipelines with particle-laden flow

For the development of a vibro-acoustic measurement concept, the structure-borne sound excitation by flow and particle collisions was simulated.


Numerical acoustics for turbocharger noise

Using a turbocharger from the BorgWarner company, we demonstrate a pragmatic modeling methodology for predicting the sound field.


Suspension mixing process for high-performance concrete

The research project aims at optimizing the production of concrete mixtures through new mixing processes and technologies.


Prediction of flow-induced sound from rotating systems.

The work extends numerical predictions for flow-induced sound in rotating systems and advances the understanding of sound generation.


ML-S-LeAF: Machine learning in additive manufacturing

Novicos is a research partner in the Quality Assurance through AI project. Read about the project and our contribution here.


ML-S-LeAF: Machine learning in additive manufacturing

Novicos is a research partner in the Quality Assurance through AI project. Read about the project and our contribution here.


LeichtFahr project - lightweight construction and NVH

Together with partners from industry and science, Novicos is conducting research in the LeichtFahr project on new calculation methods for predicting acoustic properties in lightweight construction.

Is your topic not included?

Some topics we do not publish due to confidentiality guidelines - others may still be explored.

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