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Technical service provider and
supplier for simulation and testing

Our know-how

Methods and use cases

Learn more about our expertise in numerical simulation and measurement and get an overview of our experience from previous projects.

If you grab acoustics at the root, you grab every opportunity to improve a product at the root. 

That is what we exist for.

Acoustics is much more powerful than a physical discipline. It is the quintessence, the end result of all physical interrelationships and thus the pulse by which everything can be read that makes up a product. All physical properties and processes in a product have an influence on its sound. That's why a company that gets to the heart of acoustics is much more than a team of acousticians alone. It's engineers in mechanics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, nonlinear dynamics, and so much more.

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We also work where standard literature leaves off

Novicos is not a classical calculation service provider in the sense of an extended workbench. Our employees have penetrated the origins of numerical methods, can question, manipulate and extend their operation. You can rely on us ...

  • ... When phenomena are so complex that classical CAE users cannot penetrate them.

    Our multidisciplinary team cracks every nut out of complex interdependencies.

  • ... When traditional calculation methods reach their limits.

    We develop, extend and couple methods so that they produce precise results in the required format. 

  • ... When it has to work. 

    We translate the most complex interrelationships into application-oriented, feasible solutions. Our customers rely on this. 

Solution oriented pages

Services, thought across methods

Often, a challenge cannot be solved with just one method. We accompany our customers in a solution-oriented manner, linking calculations, measurements and transfer services. Are you unsure which method(s) your challenge requires?

For the solution-oriented presentation of our range of services

We equip you

Purchase software and hardware from the Simcenter product portfolio from us

As a Siemens Solution Partner, we equip you with test systems - but only those that we ourselves work with on a daily basis. This is how we guarantee a curated, high-performance solution portfolio and exceptionally practical consulting quality.

To our product range


Novicos Ltd.

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