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Technical service provider and
supplier for simulation and testing

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Calculation and measurement of eigenmodes and eigenmodes of vibration

Natural modes are natural vibration patterns of a system with characteristic natural frequencies. Knowledge of these is crucial for understanding and optimizing the dynamic behavior. A modal analysis can be used to determine natural frequencies, natural modes and damping characteristics of a system. Knowledge of this helps to better understand the vibration behavior and avoid potential problems related to vibrations and resonances.

As a service provider for modal analyses, we offer both experimental and numerical modal analyses.

Numerical and experimental modal analysis

We calculate and measure natural frequencies, natural modes and damping for you. Both methods have their advantages. The application usually determines which choice is the most effective.
Talk to me - I will be happy to help you decide. 


Dr.-Ing. Michael Kwade

Our services for modal analysis

Combining measurement and simulation

We combine experimental and numerical determination of eigenmodes to validate the plausibility of the results. Sometimes it is challenging to produce an accurate result with numerical analysis. But also

Combining measurement and simulation

We combine experimental and numerical determination of eigenmodes to validate the plausibility of the results. Sometimes it is challenging to produce an accurate result with numerical analysis. However, the measurement of eigenmodes can also be inaccurate or generally difficult to implement (e.g., due to inaccessible parts) . By performing both methods and comparing the results, we gain valuable impetus for finding fuzziness. You benefit from a higher information content and get results with guaranteed decision security. 

More information about our approach

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Why are eigenmodes often underestimated?

Our experience protects you from expense and miscalculation

Due to the numerous projects, we know the peculiarities and anomalies in modal analysis. We can evaluate the plausibility of results and ensure that you receive precise and meaningful analyses as a basis for decision-making. Why the calculation of eigenmodes is often underestimated: 

Seemingly fast results

Modal analyses achieve a result quickly, but the quality and significance depend on many details that can easily be overlooked. 

Influential details

Certain factors, (e.g. material/geometry properties and boundary conditions) are critical to accurate results and require an experienced eye. 


The necessity to linearize all elements for modal analyses is often forgotten or underestimated, but leads to wrong results. 

Experience in the evaluation of results

Interpretation and evaluation of the results require expertise and experience to assess their plausibility and derive informed decisions.

The value of careful work

Application example:
Precision at the acoustic test bench

When determining the eigenmodes of an acoustic test rig, highly precise results are required. Therefore, we performed the modal analysis for one of our customers both experimentally and numerically. When comparing the results, deviations in the frequencies became apparent that would not have been noticed without comparing measurement and simulation. The reason: simple carrying handles were mounted on the plate for transport. To an inexperienced computational engineer, these may not matter for the vibration behavior of the aluminum block. However, we found that they significantly influence the eigenmodes of the test rig - not with their stiffness, but surprisingly with their (minimal) mass.

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What is your challenge?

Describe your challenge to me. I will be happy to advise you on the most efficient approach.


Dr.-Ing. Michael Kwade


Novicos Ltd.

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