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Research topic

Measurement and simulation of loudspeaker systems

Loudspeaker systems, such as in vehicles or living areas, are of great importance in today's everyday life. Usually, several loudspeakers are used in combination to obtain a sound that fills the room as much as possible. If even 3D sound is to be produced, systems of more than 20 loudspeakers may be used. For the design and analysis of such systems, measurements in the respective environments are usually required. A simulation of the scenarios in the computer allows an additional gain of knowledge and is a cost-effective possibility to investigate different changes/variants. In order to be able to make reliable statements, validations of the simulations are necessary. In addition to the high number of loudspeakers, the respective environment poses a great challenge.

For the validation of an acoustic simulation, an acoustics laboratory with half-space conditions is available at the Institute for Modeling and Computation. This allows the investigation of loudspeaker chassis with different loudspeaker enclosures. The measurement system then offers the possibility to record the sound pressure and to detect the bi-directional influence to the structure by means of accelerometers. The coupling between the structure (vehicle body, loudspeaker enclosure) and the air cavity (listening position) plays a major role.

For the numerical imaging of loudspeaker systems, a multiphysics simulation has to be performed. The fields of electromagnetism, structural dynamics and acoustics have to be combined. The individual areas can each be mapped with different levels of detail, with possibilities ranging from analytical 1D approaches to very detailed 3D models. Accordingly, different methods, such as the finite element method, the boundary element method or energy-based methods have to be coupled with each other.

The Institute for Modeling and Computation at TUHH is conducting research in the above-mentioned, very interdisciplinary field of activity together with Novicos GmbH. Different topics for bachelor, master or project theses are possible.


For further questions I am at your disposal!


Sören Keuchel


Novicos Ltd.

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